Your Pursuit of Income Independence
Here are our most recent posts revolving around strategic income diversification. Hopefully they’re helpful in your pursuit of income independence!
The Economy is Fragile
Have you thought about how fraglie the economy is at this point? I paid $4.04 a gallon at the pump today. Interest rates are rising. Russia is at war with its neighbor. Are you really feeling comfortable about your future?
Franchise Opportunities - Are they for you?
Investing in a franchise can be very rewarding but also involves both a tremendous amount of work and can be very costly.
Girl Scouts ~ Marketing Genius!
Have you ever bought a box (or 5 boxes) of Girl Scout Cookies? Of course, we all have! Have you taken a moment to stop and think about how they’re marketed and sold? It’s an amazing example of networking at its lowest common denominator.
Rideshare and Delivery Apps ~ Your Path to Cash?
Rideshare and food delivery apps have become the side hussle of choice among people 18 to 75+ but, with gas prices on the rise and supply chain constraints on cars and car parts, are they still the path to easy cash?
Storage Wars? Can Storage Units Produce Supplemental Income?
We’ve all seen the show “Storage Wars” ~ let me hear a Yuuuup! Can an investment in storage units produce supplemental income?
Inflating Prices Require Supplemental Income
Retirees are certainly feeling the bite of inflation as their fixed income just isn’t keeping pace. But, this started long ago and for those of us still working, our best defense against inflation is our earning power.
Income Property
Historically, buying a condo or home in a vacation spot or owning a multi-family home nearby and renting it out has been a great way to create supplemental income. The tremendous rise in housing values has made this much more difficult.
Side Hustles ~ Is There a Way to Avoid High Gas Prices?
Side hustles have become an important way for people of all ages to make additional cash. The other day I was in a 50’s style burger joint and the flow of Doordash orders was unreal. It was constant. It got me thinking about how one might work these side hustles without enduring the high gas prices and wear and tear on their car.
Multifamlily Homes ~ What to Consider Before Investing
Multifamily homes have long been considered the gold standard of supplemental income production. Often an individual or a couple would live in one unit while renting out the other providing the ability to cover the mortgage and maybe have a little extra spending cash.
Owning a Vacation Rental Property ~ Your Ultimate Guide
So many consider owning a vacation rental but what’s really involved? Buying a vacation rental property requires a keen understanding of local markets, projected rental income and expenses.