The Economy is Fragile

Have you thought about how fraglie the economy is at this point? I paid $4.04 a gallon at the pump today. Interest rates are rising. Russia is at war with its neighbor. Are you really feeling comfortable about your future?

Perhaps now is the time to consider diversifying your income so, if the music stops, you and your family will have a chair to sit in. We’re talking to people every day to help them better understand their active and passive income options to create a strategy that works for them. If you have an interest in bettering your personal situation, book a consult with us and we’ll do what we can to help you too.

Kristofor Behn

Having built, operated, bought and sold several startups in a variety of industries, Kristofor’s has become a small business subject matter expert. Kristofor is now utilizing his breadth of experience to connect MetroWest consumers and business owners through his MetroWest Living Magazine platform. Combining the power of print, digital and email touches, Kristofor assists MetroWest business owners in showcasing their products and services to residents and looks to MetroWest Living readers to support local MetroWest business owners. This results in a stronger, more resilient Metrowest community.

Beyond his MetroWest Living Magazine platform, Kristofor is an instrument rated private pilot, an Ironman distance triathlete and author of ‘Succession or Failure’ the small business owners guide to value creation, exit strategy planning and capital extraction.

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