Side Hustles ~ Is There a Way to Avoid High Gas Prices?

Side hustles have become an important way for people of all ages to make additional cash. The other day I was in a 50’s style burger joint and the flow of Doordash orders was unreal. It was constant. It got me thinking about how one might work these side hustles without enduring the high gas prices and wear and tear on their car. It occurs to me that there are many such opportunities that involve just networking using your mobile device rather than driving around in your car. I have provided a link to a few of these opportunities here. I hope you find them helpful!

Kristofor Behn

Having built, operated, bought and sold several startups in a variety of industries, Kristofor’s has become a small business subject matter expert. Kristofor is now utilizing his breadth of experience to connect MetroWest consumers and business owners through his MetroWest Living Magazine platform. Combining the power of print, digital and email touches, Kristofor assists MetroWest business owners in showcasing their products and services to residents and looks to MetroWest Living readers to support local MetroWest business owners. This results in a stronger, more resilient Metrowest community.

Beyond his MetroWest Living Magazine platform, Kristofor is an instrument rated private pilot, an Ironman distance triathlete and author of ‘Succession or Failure’ the small business owners guide to value creation, exit strategy planning and capital extraction.

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